Not that long ago in a hospital not too far away, HPA provided a hospital with over 200 mobile workstations to meet their digital medical record needs. Due to the overwhelming success of the rollout, the hospital asked if HPA could supply a wall-mounted solution for their busy emergency department. Because of the age of the hospital building, its wall structures and bed locations, HPA recommended not to implement a wall-mounted solution. Instead, HPA designed a new slimline mobile cart that incorporated components and functionality from the preferred wall station and integrated them on a mobile platform, complete with an ultra-slim base.
The new configuration reduced the overall footprint of the device and maximised crucial use of space within the emergency department. This out-of-box solution proved so popular that hospitals from far and wide began to ask for the same technological innovation at their sites. HPA started fulfilling these requests and aptly named the redesigned product “The Slimline Cart”.
HPA now welcomes inquiries from those who are ready to experience the latest innovation in mobile medical records. May the Cart be with you.